Name of Company: ANDREAS STIHL PVT. LTD.
STIHL - 90 years old Germany based company - is one of the leading global companies in the field of outdoor power tools. With manufacturing facilities in six countries, its own sales companies in 33 countries and a worldwide network of 40000 servicing dealers operating in more than 163 countries, STHIL is the world's largest selling brand in chain saw and cutt off saws.
Tagline: N/A
FB Account: N/A
Main Office Address: Plot No 273/2 Bansai House Shahabad Mohamadpur, New Delho - 110061
Country of Origin: India
Year Founded: N/A
Founder: N/A
Brand: STIHL
Main Products: Chainsaw
Contact No.: +91-9910504632
Sales Email: